About Sarah2x

Hey, I’m Sarah, the lioness behind the camera and proud owner of an award-winning small business (wit-woo!).

When I’m not behind the lens capturing your inspiring stories, you’ll find me in the picturesque town of Alcester in Warwickshire with my husband Jimi and a 4-year-old mini-me called Tommy. My business was born in May 2020, smack bang in the middle of a pandemic. A crazy time for a career change I know, but maternity leave can do that to a girl! I knew it was time to find something that lit the fire in me!

Creating films is second nature to me, I’ve spent most of my adult life with a camera in my hand shooting amateur promo and event videos. I even made a remake of the Spice Girls movie when I was 9 (the girl power gene was strong even then) so making it my day job was a natural next step.

A shedload of training courses later (and counting…) I conquered my own confidence demons and jumped headfirst into my new adventure as a solopreneur. First with weddings (you can’t beat a good love story 💕) and now making epic videos for small businesses like yours.

Zig a zig ah!

But what about Sarah the person?

  • I love cats – Buddy is my feline sidekick and pro video editing assistant.
  • I wanted to be an actress growing up, surprising I ended up this side of the camera!
  • I love a bit of dancing like no one is watching (don’t you?)
  • I throw myself into everything at 100mph and see where the wild ride takes me!

I reckon we might have a lot in common, I’m super determined, passionate, and on a mission to prove myself as a successful businesswoman – probably a bit like you! So, this is your sign to step out your comfort zone, be bold and show the world who’s behind your brand. Let’s get the camera rolling…

Sarah xx
Creating Video Content

So, how exactly will I create memorable video content for your business?

Forget boring camera crews - buckle up for laughs, heart, and magic! I’m all about fun, hard work, and finding the story in everything I do. Here’s a quick rundown on why your video is safe in my experienced (and oh-so creative) hands…

It’s just me, you, and the camera baby

There’s no hidden crew, just me and my filmmaking magic.

We don’t “wing it”

I’ll help you prep beforehand, so you know exactly what’s in store.

Filming is fun

I bring the smiles, good vibes and encouragement you need to nail your video.

Eagle eye editing

Every detail, from transitions to pace and music, gets my sparkly TLC treatment.

The results

A video that’s 100% authentic that catches the eyes (and hearts) of your customers.


Why you’ll find me a breeze to work with…

It isn’t always easy telling your clients what makes you great (a.k.a. blowing your own trumpet), but my business is all about helping you do just that, so here’s me taking my own advice…

I’ll create a safe space so you can express yourself freely.

I’m a collaborator and cheerleader who’s on your side.

I believe women supporting women is hugely empowering.

Sarah Venn diagram

I’m a total goofball which puts everyone else at ease!

I’ll dig deep to uncover the human side to your business.

I understand the unique challenges women in business face.